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EFT and Erectile Dysfunction

The abbreviation of EFT stands for emotional freedom technique. Among other numerous indications it has ED as an indication. The technique can be applied for the wide range of ailments; it is not irksome. It comprises the combination of two alternative therapies.

Mind Body Medicine is the first and it represents a compounding of meditation and bio-feedback therefore allowing relaxation. It includes some breathing exercises that alleviate state of stress. The latter has long been notorious as being the underlying cause for all the illnesses. There would be much more healthy people if we learned how to dispense with stress in our lives.

Acupuncture is the second compounding of EFT. It has been introduced by the Chinese long time ago and has proved itself highly efficient. It is widely used in medicine. According to the acupuncture knowledge there is energy in the body and for the latter to be healthy this energy should flow freely. The travel channels are called meridians and provided some of them get blocked the energy flow is barred. Thus, here we get illnesses. Emotional problems are frequent reasons of the blockage. In acupuncture special needles that are placed at the ends meridians are used in order to deal with this blockage and free the energy flow.

A little variation is that there are no needles in EFT; instead there is gentle tapping at the places where the energy blockage is. They are usually the same as acupuncture meridian points. Once the blockage is dispensed with and energy can travel freely, your will return to your normal health state.

The condition of ED is usually evoked by the compounding of physical and psychological factors. Generally it happens when something interferes with the blood flow to the penis. Then the reason is mostly physical and you will probably not be able to achieve any erection. But the cause can be more of emotional kind. Then you will have nocturnal erections and will be able to achieve erection when alone.

It is essential to try different methods of treatment; more important even to get a professional doctor's consultation before. You should try EFT along with other methods still; you will only benefit from it.

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