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Generic Accutane

Active Ingredient: Isotretinoin
Generic Accutane No Prescription Needed

Isotretinoin in some countries is an ingredient of: Clarus, Isohexal, Isotrex, Oratane, Roaccutane, Terry White Chemists Isotretinoin

Package Per Pill Price Order
5mg × 30 $2.26 $67.91 + BUY NOW
5mg × 60 $1.89 $113.24 + BUY NOW
5mg × 90 $1.79 $160.72 + BUY NOW
5mg × 120 $1.70 $203.93 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
10mg × 10 $4.16 $41.56 + BUY NOW
10mg × 20 $2.69 $53.89 + BUY NOW
10mg × 30 $2.44 $73.18 + BUY NOW
10mg × 60 $1.92 $115.34 + BUY NOW
10mg × 90 $1.80 $161.77 + BUY NOW
10mg × 120 $1.72 $206.04 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
20mg × 10 $6.26 $62.64 + BUY NOW
20mg × 20 $3.66 $73.18 + BUY NOW
20mg × 30 $2.79 $83.72 + BUY NOW
20mg × 60 $2.27 $136.42 + BUY NOW
20mg × 90 $2.17 $194.97 + BUY NOW
20mg × 120 $2.09 $250.31 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
30mg × 30 $4.90 $146.96 + BUY NOW
30mg × 60 $4.21 $252.36 + BUY NOW

The medication represents a vitamin A variation and is presupposed for the treatment of severe nodular acne in the situation when all the previous resembling medications failed to perform the task. It works by decreasing the amount of oil that is produced by the oil glands in the skin therefore assisting the skin to recreate at a faster rate.

Follow the prescription precisely on the account of dosage and period of therapy; take the pills whole without any transformation, and wash them down with water. Do not take excessive amounts of the drug to make up the missed dose. Do not make any alternations in the administration unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

The medication is very harmful for the fetus therefore it contains special and very strict recommendations concerning pregnancy and the state of breast-feeding. It is demanded that you do not take the medication provided you are pregnant or planning to be or have allergic response to isotretinoin or to parabens. Both primary and secondary birth control forms should be involved if you take Accutane.

The following conditions require special consideration if you plan the treatment with the medication: osteoporosis, a history of diabetes or asthma, anorexia, problems with heart and liver or of a depressive kind.

It is required that any other vitamins and supplements with vitamin A content should not be taken simultaneously with the isotretinoin. Any blood donation is forbidden during this period.

Should you experience any adverse effects, suspect overdose or uncertain about the treatment with Accutane contact your physician directly.

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