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Generic Atacand

Active Ingredient: Candesartan

Candesartan in some countries is an ingredient of: Amias

Package Per Pill Price Order
4mg × 30 $ 1.50 $ 44.95 + BUY NOW
4mg × 60 $ 1.03 $ 61.95 + BUY NOW
4mg × 90 $ 0.92 $ 82.95 + BUY NOW
4mg × 120 $ 0.87 $ 104.95 + BUY NOW
4mg × 180 $ 0.75 $ 134.95 + BUY NOW
4mg × 360 $ 0.70 $ 250.95 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
8mg × 30 $ 2.33 $ 69.95 + BUY NOW
8mg × 60 $ 2.03 $ 121.95 + BUY NOW
8mg × 90 $ 1.83 $ 164.95 + BUY NOW
8mg × 120 $ 1.73 $ 207.95 + BUY NOW
8mg × 180 $ 1.61 $ 288.95 + BUY NOW
8mg × 360 $ 1.43 $ 515.95 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
16mg × 30 $ 2.50 $ 74.95 + BUY NOW
16mg × 60 $ 2.10 $ 125.95 + BUY NOW
16mg × 90 $ 1.98 $ 177.95 + BUY NOW
16mg × 120 $ 1.91 $ 228.95 + BUY NOW
16mg × 180 $ 1.73 $ 310.95 + BUY NOW

Atacand doesn't allow the blood vessels to narrow and therefore facilitates the flow of blood and reduces the level of blood pressure. It refers to angiotensin II receptors and is designed for hypertension treatment. Other therapeutic indications - kidney disease originating from type 2 diabetes and heart failure in some people. The medicine can be given alone or in the complex with other resembling remedies.

Atacand should be taken regularly at definite schedule either with food or without. The whole therapy should be completed even if your health improved. Your blood pressure may take 2-4 weeks to become stable; provided the medicine doesn't help in the long run check it with the doctor. In case you left out a dose do not try to make up for it taking two at once. It can be dangerous.

Intolerance response to candesartan serves as a contraindication for the usage of the drug. Your physician should know about your following diseases: congestive heart failure, kidneys or liver problem or else. It is necessary to let him know about any other remedies you are taking (like diuretics or lithium) to adjust the therapy. Refrain from potassium supplements, alcohol beverages and salt substitutes being on therapy with the drug. It is forbidden to take the drug either if you are pregnant or breast-feeding a baby.

The adverse effects might be mild but in severe cases can cause breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue or lead to kidney failure. Be careful when standing as the medicine might make you feel giddy.

In case of adverse effects appearance or overdose signs contact your physician immediately and on the account of any questions apply to the local pharmacist.

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