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Generic Brethine

Active Ingredient: Terbutaline
Generic Brethine No Prescription Needed
Package Per Pill Price Order
2.5mgmg × 30 $2.06 $61.85 + BUY NOW
2.5mgmg × 60 $1.16 $69.44 + BUY NOW
2.5mgmg × 90 $0.86 $77.03 + BUY NOW
2.5mgmg × 120 $0.71 $84.63 + BUY NOW
2.5mgmg × 180 $0.55 $99.79 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
5mg × 30 $2.25 $67.54 + BUY NOW
5mg × 60 $1.35 $80.82 + BUY NOW
5mg × 90 $1.05 $94.11 + BUY NOW
5mg × 120 $0.89 $107.39 + BUY NOW
5mg × 180 $0.74 $133.94 + BUY NOW

The remedy treats asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema; it refers to bronchodilators and it functions in the way that it slackens the muscles around the bronchioles (air tubes) and eases the breathing process.

The medication is available in the tablets of 2.5 and 5 mg. Should you leave out a dose do not make up for it taking two at once as it may evoke overdose and unwanted effects. Be careful giving Brethine to elderly people and children. Make your doctor aware of the therapy effect and in case you feel worse and not better.

The following conditions should be considered before taking the medication: intolerance to the drug or just other medications, problems with heart, history of epilepsy, an adrenal gland tumor, kidney or liver illness or diabetes or else. Pregnant and nursing women are better to consult a doctor before taking the medicine. Consider all the medications that you want to take simultaneously with the drug (especially Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitors, diuretics, beta-blockers and also insulin) as they are able to alter the final result.

Among the adverse effects of the drug there are giddiness, headache, rash and so on. Provided you have any worrying sensations, suspect an overdose or have some questions apply to your physician or other healthcare provider.

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