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Generic Ceclor Cd

Active Ingredient: Cefaclor

Cefaclor in some countries is an ingredient of: Aclor, Cefkor, Distaclor, Karlor, Keflor, Ozcef

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The drug refers to cephalosporin antibiotics and it is presupposed for the treatment of infections of respiratory tract, urinary tract, skin and skin structures. Also cures chronic bronchitis in the periods of flare-ups. It is nevertheless doesn't cure viral infections.

The medication must be taken on a regular basis for the required prolonged period of time for the results to be seen. Any changes in medication's administration course or its complete termination should be discussed with a physician for all the treatment not to be wasted. Take the medicine either with a meal or half an hour after it washing down with water. No transformation should be made to the pill as it is intended to be dissolved gradually in the body after some time. Do not use the remedy after its shelf-life expired. Do not make up for a missed dose taking double portion. Do not combine the medication with antacids. Check all the additional drugs you take with your physician.

There might be a chance of you having intolerance to penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics and resembling medicines. If this be the case refrain from taking it. Problems of gastrointestinal tract must be a reason of additional consultation with your physician. Pregnant women should consult the doctor before taking the drug; breastfeeding ones are not advised to take the course for fear of possible harming a fetus and a baby.

The medication has a number of adverse effects. Provided you have any worrying sensations, suspect an overdose or have some questions apply to your physician or other healthcare provider.

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