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Generic Celebrex

Active Ingredient: Celecoxib
Generic Celebrex No Prescription Needed
Package Per Pill Price Order
100mg × 30 $1.06 $31.89 + BUY NOW
100mg × 60 $0.74 $44.56 + BUY NOW
100mg × 180 $0.73 $131.15 + BUY NOW
100mg × 270 $0.70 $187.85 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
200mg × 30 $1.35 $40.48 + BUY NOW
200mg × 60 $1.07 $64.46 + BUY NOW
200mg × 90 $1.00 $90.08 + BUY NOW

The medication refers to the group of NSAIDs and if you have any kinds of arthritis like rheumatoid or osteoarthritis or else and suffer from menstrual pains you may be prescribed Celebrex. It has a broader spectrum of usage and effectiveness but this must be checked with a doctor.

The medication is recommended to be taken either on a regular basis or in case of necessity, with meals. Alcohol, is better to be avoided for the time of the therapy as well as excessive sunlight be it natural or artificial.

Precautions for the usage of the medication are: intolerance to Celebrex, aspirin and resembling medications, sulfa drugs, other NSAIDs; experience of stomach ulcer or epilepsy; asthma; etc. People having a history of heart illnesses are not recommended to take the medication. Pregnant women and breast-feeding ones are better refrain from the remedy. Be careful with all alongside medications you use, antidepressants in particular.

The drug can cause intolerance response and have some adverse effects right down to heart or circulation problems, including heart attack or stroke. Thus, in case of disturbing sensations or overdose seek medical aid.

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