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Generic Cellcept

Active Ingredient: Mycophenolate Mofetil
Generic Cellcept No Prescription Needed
Package Per Pill Price Order
250mg × 10 $13.58 $135.85 + BUY NOW
250mg × 20 $10.87 $217.43 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
500mg × 10 $23.39 $233.87 + BUY NOW

The medication is presupposed for assistance with the kidney, liver, or heart transplant being accepted and not rejected. Thus it works in a way that it makes the body's immune system less resistible to any influence to any infection. The remedy is generally given in combination with cyclosporine (Sandimmune, Neoral) and a steroid medication.

Take the drug two times a day washing it down with water. Do not eat for at least for 1 hour before or 2 hours after that. The capsules are forbidden to be opened or transformed in any other way as their content is may be very harmful if in contact with skin, eyes and etc.

Women in the state of pregnancy and especially the ones in the first trimester are in a great danger to harm the future baby if given the medication. Generally pregnancy either present or planned is not compatible with the therapy with a drug. Breast-feeding is better avoided for it can not be guaranteed that the drug won't appear in the milk. Women of a child-bearing potential are advised to use two forms of birth control for the period of treatment.

The contraindicative factors are: hypersensitivity to mycophenolate mofetil, mycophenolic acid (Myfortic), or to an ingredient called Polysorbate 80. Make sure you do not have the following conditions before you take the medicine: a stomach ulcer, a viral, bacterial, or fungal contagion or Lesch-Nyhan and Kelley-Seegmiller syndrome.

Refrain from the situations where you can easily fall ill and excessive sunlight, do not take a "live" vaccine and antacids. Be careful combining the remedy with cholestyramine, any antibiotic, and other medicines that weaken the immune system. Being on the therapy with CellCept you can get easy bleeding and also there is a greater risk of cancer.

Provided you have any worrying sensations, suspect an overdose or have some questions apply to your physician or other healthcare provider.

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