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Generic Esidrix

Active Ingredient: Hydrochlorothiazide

Hydrochlorothiazide in some countries is an ingredient of: Amizide, Apo-Hydro, Dithiazide, Hydrene, Novo-Hydrazide

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Generic name of the medicine is hydrochlorothiazide. It is intended for the treatment of hypertension and some states that require elimination of excess fluid from the body (i.e. congestive heart failure, corticosteroid and estrogen therapy, cirrhosis of the liver, and kidney disorders).

Contraindications: intolerance response to hydrochlorothiazide or resembling medications; provided you have problems with urination; if you are allergic to sulfa or other sulfonamide-derived drugs. Abstain from alcohol being on the therapy with the drug. The possible effects on the future child are not to be taken for sure, so pregnant and nursing women should consult the doctor before using it. Do not combine the drug with barbiturates, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, colestipol, corticosteroids, insulin or glyburide, lithium, narcotics, digoxin, norepinephrine and some others.

The remedy is intended to be taken according to the instructions on a regular basic and for a prolonged period of time to get the necessary effect. The regular dose for an everyday use is 25 milligrams to 100 milligrams. Do not use the medicine provided its shelf-life expired. Should you leave out a dose do not make up for it taking two at once as it may evoke overdose and unwanted effects.

The drug can have some adverse effects; it can make you light-headed when standing up; and should you have any worrying sensations consult your doctor.

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