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Generic Indocin

Active Ingredient: Indomethacin
Package Per Pill Price Order
25mg × 30 $ 1.50 $ 44.95 + BUY NOW
25mg × 60 $ 1.17 $ 69.95 + BUY NOW
25mg × 90 $ 0.98 $ 87.95 + BUY NOW
25mg × 120 $ 0.87 $ 104.95 + BUY NOW
25mg × 180 $ 0.75 $ 134.95 + BUY NOW
25mg × 360 $ 0.67 $ 241.95 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
50mg × 30 $ 1.77 $ 52.95 + BUY NOW
50mg × 60 $ 1.47 $ 87.95 + BUY NOW
50mg × 90 $ 1.35 $ 121.95 + BUY NOW
50mg × 120 $ 1.12 $ 134.95 + BUY NOW
50mg × 180 $ 0.96 $ 172.95 + BUY NOW
50mg × 360 $ 0.85 $ 305.95 + BUY NOW

The medication refers to the group of NSAIDs and if you have any kinds of arthritis like rheumatoid or osteoarthritis or else and suffer from swelling, inflammation or joint pains you may be prescribed Indocin. It has a broader spectrum of usage and effectiveness but this must be checked with a doctor.

The drug is available in the forms of sustained-release capsules, suppositories and oral suspension. The first are swallowed without any transformation and require a horizontal position of the body for 20-30 minutes; suppositories are used according to the instruction, for the active ingredients to make any effect they are supposed to be inside the body for an hour; liquid drug needs a jolt before usage. Use the medication at regular hours together with meals or antacid washed down with water. Preserve room temperature for storage.

Precautions for the medication are: intolerance to Indocin, aspirin and resembling medications; experience of rectal inflammation or bleeding (referring to suppositories); asthma. People having a history of heart illnesses are not recommended to take the medication.

In case of disturbing sensations or overdose seek medical aid.

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