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Generic Lasix

Active Ingredient: Furosemide
Generic Lasix

Furosemide in some countries is an ingredient of: Frusehexal, Frusid, Frusol, Novo-Semide, Uremide

Package Per Pill Price Order
40mg × 30 $ 1.06 $ 31.95 + BUY NOW
40mg × 60 $ 0.82 $ 48.95 + BUY NOW
40mg × 90 $ 0.73 $ 65.95 + BUY NOW
40mg × 120 $ 0.69 $ 82.95 + BUY NOW
40mg × 180 $ 0.61 $ 109.95 + BUY NOW
40mg × 360 $ 0.55 $ 198.95 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
100mg × 30 $ 1.50 $ 44.95 + BUY NOW
100mg × 60 $ 1.25 $ 74.95 + BUY NOW
100mg × 90 $ 1.07 $ 95.95 + BUY NOW
100mg × 120 $ 0.92 $ 109.95 + BUY NOW
100mg × 180 $ 0.84 $ 151.95 + BUY NOW
100mg × 360 $ 0.74 $ 267.95 + BUY NOW

Lasix represents a water pill that allows your organism get rid of salt by means of clearing it with urine instead of absorbing it. It is purposed for fluid retention and is used in hypertension treatment. Mind that it is not supposed to be taken for urination problems.

Before taking the medication it is advised to make regular tests to adjust the treatment and be aware that it is suitable for you. Doctor also should be consulted in case you have any diseases incompatible with the administration of the drug or if you take any other drugs simultaneously. Pregnant women are not recommended to take Lasix.

Lasix refers to the medications that might be taken singularly, but anyway the prescription should be followed. Storage conditions require that it should be kept in a dry dark and relatively cool place.

There is a big chance of your organism being dehydrated so you need to stick to a diet and drink necessary amounts of liquid. Do not spend too much time at open sun and avoid going to tanning salons while taking the medication. Contact your doctor about all side effects.

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