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Generic Luvox

Active Ingredient: Fluvoxamine

Fluvoxamine in some countries is an ingredient of: Movox

Package Per Pill Price Order
50mg × 30 $ 1.91 $ 57.23 + BUY NOW
50mg × 60 $ 1.65 $ 98.76 + BUY NOW
50mg × 90 $ 1.42 $ 127.81 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
100mg × 30 $ 3.35 $ 100.63 + BUY NOW
100mg × 60 $ 2.89 $ 173.69 + BUY NOW
100mg × 90 $ 2.50 $ 224.78 + BUY NOW

Luvox under generic name Fluvoxamine refers to SSRIs antidepressants and is purposed for the treatment of social anxiety (when a person can't stop feeling nervous in some social situations and therefore can't act normally) and cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The medication works in away that it influences the certain brain chemicals prone to liable states and able to evoke neurotic signs.

The medication is provided in the form of extended-release capsules and is required to be taken whole without any transformation for the necessary period.

It is insistently recommended that you do not use Fluvoxamine if you have hypersensitivity reaction to it and be cautious provided you are allergic to other drugs. The optional medications that you use either with the prescription or not, supplements, vitamins and so on must be discussed with the doctor in advance as their interaction with the drug may lead to alternation of therapeutic effect, evoke allergic response greatly various in intensity or just be dangerous for the health.

The illness of liver, history of maniac depression, drug addiction and epilepsy may become contraindicative factors for the drug administration. Refrain from taking Fluvoxamine if you are pregnant or nursing.

Should you have any questions about the medication or suspect overdose apply to your pharmacist or doctor.

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