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Generic Maxalt

Active Ingredient: Rizatriptan
Package Per Pill Price Order
5mg × 4 $ 7.43 $ 29.74 + BUY NOW
5mg × 8 $ 6.41 $ 51.31 + BUY NOW
5mg × 12 $ 5.53 $ 66.40 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
10mg × 8 $ 10.61 $ 84.91 + BUY NOW
10mg × 12 $ 9.16 $ 109.90 + BUY NOW
10mg × 40 $ 1.23 $ 49.21 + BUY NOW

Maxalt is used for the treatment of migraine headaches. Generic name - rizatriptan. The mechanism of its functioning is the following: it narrows the vessels in the brain and affects the chemicals in the organism that evoke sickness, aches and light and sound sensitivity. Do not try to use the medicine as a preventive measure for migraines or headaches; it will be effective only for the pain already in progress.

Maxalt should be taken with the first signs of pain and not exceeding the dose; the pills should be washed down with water. The medication is available in the form of tablets doesn't actually require a dosing schedule. If there is no relief for a headache the second pill can be taken only after two (2) hours otherwise you can get an overdose what is dangerous. Maker your doctor aware provided your symptoms do not improve and the headaches appear repeatedly during a month.

Contraindicative factors are intolerance response to rizatriptan, problems with heart, liver or kidneys, high blood pressure, blood circulation problems, hypertension, angina or else. The drug is of danger to an infant and a fetus therefore it is forbidden for the women that are in the state of pregnancy or nursing.

Be careful when taking the medication in combination with antidepressants, cimetidine, propranolol and some drugs; some of the other medications require a break between their administration and Maxalt. Do not take the remedy simultaneously with another medicine for migraine headaches; the interval of 24 hours should be made.

Adverse effects of the medication can be mild (hives, swellings) but some can be severe and in case you experience any, or you overdosed apply to your doctor for help.

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