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Generic Micardis Hct

Active Ingredient: Telmisartan - Hydrochlorothiazide
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Generic name of the medicine is hydrochlorothiazide and telmisartan. It's an angiotensin II receptor blocker and diuretic compounding. Therapeutic indication: hypertension.

Contraindications: intolerance to Micardis HCT or to any other sulfonamide medicine, severe liver or kidney illness, current therapy with dofetilide, ketanserin, or lithium. Problems with liver, other intolerance reactions, diabetes, dehydration, angioedema, heart, gallbladder or electrolyte problems, if you are on dialysis, blood vessel disease - all this should be considered before taking the medication. If you are pregnant and breast-feeding it is forbidden to take the drug. It is crucial to be careful while combining the medication with different drugs (especially with diuretic, potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium supplements, ACE inhibitors, NSAIDs, ACTHs, barbiturates, corticosteroids, diabetes medicine, and some others) for fear of their undesirable interaction.

The drug should be taken on a regular basis with the sufficient amounts of liquid while the treatment goes. The full course of treatment should be completed for the drug to show any effect. Do not make up for the left out dose taking two pills at once. Be very careful giving the remedy to kids and elderly people.

The medication can have adverse effects. In case you want to know more about interaction with other drugs consult your doctor.

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