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Generic Minocin

Active Ingredient: Minocycline

Minocycline in some countries is an ingredient of: Akamin, Aknemin, Enca, Minomycin, Sebomin

Package Per Pill Price Order
50mg × 15 $ 4.08 $ 61.20 + BUY NOW
50mg × 30 $ 3.51 $ 105.16 + BUY NOW
50mg × 45 $ 3.04 $ 136.64 + BUY NOW

Generic name of the medicine is minocyclin. The preparation refers to tetracycline antibiotics and functions by preventing certain bacteria from multiplying. Therapeutic indications are severe acne and other various contagions. The drug is not presupposed for viral infections.

The medication is supposed to be taken on a regular basis with sufficient amount of water; it is required that you adhere a standing position for at least half an hour after you take a drug. Do not exceed the necessary amount or the prescribed period of administration; a full course should be competed in order for the medication to produce its effect. Should you leave out a dose do not make up for it taking two at once.

Contraindications or conditions that may require doctor's consideration: intolerance response to minocycline, kidney problems, an autoimmune disorder, therapy with acitretin, qisotretinoin, methoxyflurane, or penicillin, and some others. The medication is incompatible with aluminum salts, cimetidine, acitretin, anticoagulants, insulin, isotretinoin, methotrexate, methoxyflurane, or theophyllines, also live oral typhoid vaccine, oral contraceptives, and etc. Make sure there is an interval of 2 or 3 hours between bismuth, calcium, iron or zinc salts, colestipol, magnesium, urinary alkalinizers, sucralfate, vitamins or minerals, quinapril, didanosine. Refrain from alcohol being on the therapy with the drug. Do not give it to kids younger than 8 years of age. It is prohibited for the women who are already in the state of pregnancy or nursing.

The medicine can make you giddy and sleepy and sensitive to the sun. Adverse effects of the medication can be mild and severe and in case you experience any, or you overdosed apply to your doctor for help.

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