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Generic Myambutol

Active Ingredient: Ethambutol

Ethambutol in some countries is an ingredient of: Etibi

Package Per Pill Price Order
400mg × 60 $ 0.77 $ 45.90 + BUY NOW
400mg × 90 $ 0.59 $ 52.90 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
600mg × 60 $ 0.99 $ 59.60 + BUY NOW
600mg × 90 $ 0.83 $ 74.93 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
800mg × 30 $ 1.23 $ 36.91 + BUY NOW
800mg × 60 $ 1.06 $ 63.70 + BUY NOW
800mg × 90 $ 0.92 $ 82.42 + BUY NOW

Generic name of the medicine is ethambutol. It is a preparation of an antibacterial agent that cures tuberculosis (TB) infections of the lung. It kills the TB cells by interfering with their further growing and spreading. The medication can be taken alone and in combination with other drugs of the same purpose. It is not supposed to cure viral infections.

Myambutol is supposed to be taken regularly not exceeding the dose and prescribed period. Take the medicine either with or without meals. An interval of 4 hours should be made between the drug and antacids containing aluminum hydroxide. Do not make up for the left out dose taking two pills at once. Do not give it to kids younger than 13 years of age.

Do not take it if you have intolerance reaction to ethambutol. The medicine is of danger for a fetus and infant therefore pregnant and nursing women are forbidden to take it. The condition of optic neuritis and any slight inclination to vision changes or eye problems, gouty arthritis, kidney or liver problems and any hypersensitivity responses are better to be discussed with a physician beforehand. It is recommended to be careful while combining the remedy with other supplementary medications; it is recommended to check them with the physician in advance.

Should you have any worrying sensations, suspect an overdose or have some questions apply to your physician or other healthcare provider.

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