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Generic Ponstel

Active Ingredient: Mefenamic Acid

Mefenamic Acid in some countries is an ingredient of: Apo-Mefenamic, Mefic, Ponstan

Package Per Pill Price Order
250mg × 30 $ 1.63 $ 48.95 + BUY NOW
250mg × 60 $ 1.32 $ 78.95 + BUY NOW
250mg × 90 $ 1.11 $ 99.95 + BUY NOW
250mg × 120 $ 0.94 $ 112.95 + BUY NOW
250mg × 180 $ 0.87 $ 155.95 + BUY NOW
250mg × 360 $ 0.80 $ 288.95 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
500mg × 30 $ 2.06 $ 61.95 + BUY NOW
500mg × 60 $ 1.82 $ 108.95 + BUY NOW
500mg × 90 $ 1.64 $ 147.95 + BUY NOW
500mg × 120 $ 1.48 $ 177.95 + BUY NOW
500mg × 180 $ 1.32 $ 237.95 + BUY NOW
500mg × 360 $ 1.17 $ 421.95 + BUY NOW

Ponstel refers to NSAIDs and is presupposed to cure pains that are not very severe or last not very long, menstrual pain including.

The administration regulations presuppose that the drug should be taken with meals and kept in a cool, dry and dark place. The medication is designed for grown-ups and kids that are above 14 years old.

Do not use the drug in case you have allergic response to it or other NSAIDs. Provided you suffer from repeated stomach or intestines inflammations, problems with kidneys or have ulcers avoid taking the medicine. Asthma and high blood pressure may be impaired by the usage of the drug as well as heart problems. If administered together with other medicines Ponstel can behave differently so it is recommended to check its compatibility with the doctor. It is not known exactly haw the drug influences the fetus, thus pregnant and nursing women are better to refrain from taking it.

It is not supposed that Ponstel can be harmful or arise very serious adverse effects nevertheless should you experience any disturbing sensations connected with digestion or you feel sick or else consult your doctor.

If you have any questions or doubts check them with your pharmacist or healthcare provider.

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