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Generic Sinemet Cr

Active Ingredient: Carbidopa-levodopa
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The medication represents a controlled-release tablet (variation of a regular Sinemet). The generic name of the medication is carbidopa and levodopa and it is purposed for the treatment of Parkinson disease (the muscle stiffness, tremor, and weakness ) and parkinsonism-like symptoms originating from certain conditions (encephalitis (brain fever), carbon monoxide poisoning, or manganese poisoning). It refers to antidyskinetic combinations; active ingredient levodopa transforms into the substance with the assistance of which tremors and other Parkinson disease's s symptoms are improved; carbodopa, another ingredient, assists levodopa in reaching the brain and interferes with it being destroyed by vitamin B6. The controlled-release tablet Sinemet CR takes a little bit more time in the comparison to the regular tablets because it releases the drug slower. Provided you shift from one pill to another you will need a dose adjustment. The medication does is not a treat for the disease.

The medication is not recommended provided you have intolerance to it, if you have even a suspicion of melanoma; also wide-angle glaucoma, peptic ulcer, a history of cardiovascular or lung disease, problems with liver or kidneys, asthma, whether you've been on the therapy with MAOI for a previous fortnight. Consult with your doctor before taking Sinemet if you are pregnant and nursing, have heart problems, asthma, seizures or else. Be careful while combining the medicine with MAOIs, metoclopramide, blood pressure medications, antacids, high-protein foods, major tranquilizers, antispasmodic drugs, tranquilizers, tricyclic antidepressantsand a number of others as their interaction may evoke unpredictable results.

The medication should be taken after you have a meal. It is usually 1 tablet twice a day or if taken in the long run 2-8 pills taken at the interval of 4-8 hours. The pills should be taken whole without any actual transformation. It must be done regularly and the therapy should be completed even if you start to feel better during the first days of it. Do not take levodopa simultaneously with the drug; this administration requires an interval of 12 hours. Do not make up for the left out dose taking two pills at once. Do not give it to children younger than 18 years of age and be careful giving it to elderly patients.

Sinemet CR is able to evoke adverse effects, make you sleepy and giddy and evoke depression; or have more severe effects. Provided you have any disturbing sensations or suspect an overdose contact your healthcare provider.

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