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Generic Strattera

Active Ingredient: Atomoxetine
Generic Strattera No Prescription Needed
Package Per Pill Price Order
10mg × 30 $2.50 $75.14 + BUY NOW
10mg × 60 $1.60 $96.00 + BUY NOW
10mg × 90 $1.30 $116.87 + BUY NOW
10mg × 120 $1.15 $137.73 + BUY NOW
10mg × 180 $1.00 $179.49 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
18mg × 30 $3.14 $94.11 + BUY NOW
18mg × 60 $2.23 $133.94 + BUY NOW
18mg × 90 $1.93 $173.79 + BUY NOW
18mg × 120 $1.78 $213.62 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
25mg × 30 $3.64 $109.28 + BUY NOW
25mg × 60 $2.74 $164.30 + BUY NOW
25mg × 90 $2.44 $219.32 + BUY NOW
25mg × 120 $2.29 $274.35 + BUY NOW

Package Per Pill Price Order
40mg × 30 $4.72 $141.54 + BUY NOW
40mg × 60 $3.81 $228.80 + BUY NOW
40mg × 90 $3.51 $316.08 + BUY NOW

Designed for the treatment of the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) the medication works in a way that it influences certain brain nerves and chemicals that are responsible for the hyperactivity.

The medication is not generally presupposed to be taken for in the long run and if the treatment requires being prolonged your physician may change the medication in order to avoid habituation. Children under 6 are forbidden to be given the drug. The medicine should be taken for a definite period of time and in certain amounts not to be exceeded. Generally it is consumed on a regular basis one time a day washed down with water. Do not make up for a left out dose taking more medicine at a time than needed.

It is required not to combine Strattera with MAO inhibitors. It is forbidden to take the drug provided you are allergic to atomoxetine or if you have a history of glaucoma. Consult with your doctor on the account of all the additional prescribed and over-the-counter medications you are planning to take as their interaction can change the final effect of the treatment.

Inform your doctor about the illnesses you have, especially those connected with heart, blood pressure, urination and of mental or depressive character. Pregnant and breast-feeding women are better consult the doctor before taking the medication. The medication is able to worsen your reactive abilities and mental activity that is why it is recommended to be cautious in the situations requiring attention.

Should you have any worrying sensations, suspect an overdose or have some questions apply to your physician or other healthcare provider.

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