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Generic Verelan Sr

Active Ingredient: Verapamil

Verapamil in some countries is an ingredient of: Anpec, Apo-Verap, Half Securon, Novo-Veramil, Nu-Verap, Univer, Veracaps SR, Verapress MR, Vertab, Zolvera

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Generic name of the medicine is verapamil. It's a preparation of a calcium channel blocker that is intended for the treatment of hypertension.

Contraindications: intolerance to Verelan; current therapy with dofetilide or eletriptan, heart problems, very low blood pressure, also atrial fibrillation or flutter and a pre-excitation syndromes. Heart failure or a recent heart attack with lung congestion, kidney or liver disease, muscular dystrophy, and also neurologic disease should be considered before taking the medication. Be careful while combining the medication with different drugs and pay attention to the following medicines: beta-blockers, rifampin, aldosterone blockers, general anesthetics, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, lithium, ketolides, theophyllines, and some others for fear of their dangerous interaction. Pregnant and breast-feeding women are forbidden to take the drug in order not to harm a baby and an infant.

The drug should be taken on a regular basis with water. In order to gain the most effect from the treatment the drug should be taken during the whole course. Do not make up for the left out dose taking two pills at once. Do not make any transformation to the pills, consume the drug whole. Be careful giving the drug to kids.

The medication can have adverse effects, it evokes giddiness and sleepiness. In case you want to know more about the medication consult your doctor.

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