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Generic Zyban Sr

Active Ingredient: Bupropion

Bupropion in some countries is an ingredient of: Clorprax

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Brand name Zyban SR (stands for generic bupropion) refers to antidepressants and if presupposed for the treatment of major depressive disorders and also seasonal affective disorders. Other therapeutic indication for the usage of the remedy is assistance in quitting smoking by lessening the longing for smoking and relieving abstinence symptoms.

Contraindicaitons: epilepsy or a seizure disorder, anorexia or bulimia, heart, kidney or liver problems, diabetes or else. Pregnant and nursing woman should consult the physician on the account of drug administration. Do not combine Zyban SR with MAOIs. The medicine should not be taken to treat several conditions at once. Wellbutrin taken for depression must not be mixed with Zyban SR that is used with the purpose of quitting smoking. Refrain from alcohol for the time of the therapy. And if you use the drug and take some additional nicotine medications do not smoke. You can continue smoking for the first week or the therapy and quit it starting from the second one when the sufficient amount of medication gets in the organism; provided you find it still hard to stop smoking after 7 weeks apply to your doctor for assistance.

Take the medication on a regular basis not exceeding the amount and not longer than it is necessary; no termination of the therapy at self-will should be made. No transformation should be made to the pill as it is supposed to be consumed whole and dissolve gradually in the organism.

The drug can have side-effects and should you have worrying symptoms, overdose or want to know about interaction with other drugs consult your doctor.

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